French 2312 French Short Story
"Il s'agit de tirer hors de l'inconscient, pour le faire entrer dans le domaine de l'intelligence"
(Marcel Proust) Syllabus Spring 2014
All linked material is for educational purposes only; for questions contact: Professor Suzanne LaLonde
Please note that for your homework assignments (posted on Blackboard under the "Weekly Modules" rubric), you should use these two online French language interactive websites:
Linguee: Thanks to computer databases, this site assembles thousands of examples of phrases in French and English from sources that have been already translated . You just have to type in a phrase to see how trained translators might have translated those very same phrases in different texts. In other words, you are getting help with your questions from a professional translator without paying for the help. It is the computer program that is sifting through reams of data for you.
Lang8: Did you ever wish you could just ask a native French speaker for help while you are struggling with your French homework at 2:00 in the morning? Now, you can! "Lang-8 is a unique social networking site where users help each other learn their respective native languages." Sign up for an account today and start conversing with new Francophone friends!
Texts in order they will be studied:
1.) Selected Fables by Jean de la Fontaine:
(Le chene et le roseau 1) (La cigale et la formi 2) (Le loup et le chien 3)
2.) The Complete Fairy Tales in Verse and Prose/ L'Integrale des Contes en vers et en prose
by Charles Perrault:
Extract Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Scanned copies)
Extract Cendrillon (Scanned copies)
3.) Contes Pour Enfants Pas Sages by Jacques Prévert
(Follow the link above to access public versions of the short stories. Audio versions are below.)
1.) L'autruche
2.) (audio file) Le jeune lion en cage
3.) (audio file) Scène de la vie des antilopes
4.) (audio file) Le dromadaire Mécontent
4.) Les contes rouges du chat perché by Marcel Aymé
*Extract: (Le Paon scanned copies)VIDEO :
5.) Comment Wang-Fô fut sauvé by Marguerite Yourcenar
(Purchase book.)
Extract (L'enfant Scanned copy)
7.) Sept contes-Amandine ou les deux jardins by Michel Tournier
*Extract: (Amandine Scanned copy) (audio file)
8.) Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
(Purchase book.)
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