Obtaining your French  Course Materials
Click on the appropriate links: 

FRENCH 2311 & 3322 (cross-listed courses)


Liaisons by Wynne Wong (used or new hard-cover version) FIRST EDITION!

ISBN-13: 978-0495809692
ISBN-10: 0495809691


Liaisons by Wynne Wong (E-version) (Purchase or rent on Amazon or purchase the code at the bookstore. Please note that students are not required to enroll in a class on the site, as all homework exercises are in written form and presented on the HW sheets. See above for the links to the HW sheets 1311 and 1312.) 

iLrn: Heinle Learning Center

What is this? This is an all inclusive center with an interactive eBook, activities, tutorial videos, in-text audio, plus more! This is all you need for your course. You can access your eBook via internet, Android or iPad/iPhone.

What do I need to have the iLrn? (1) Create an account, (2) Purchase a Book key, and (3) Get a Course Code from your Professor., which will be on the syllabus. 

Create an account: Go to http://ilrn.heinle.com and click LOG IN.

Follow the prompts to create your own account with username and password. Write it down: Username_____________________ Password_________________________

(1) Purchase a Book key: Go to the Log In button again and click the Bookstore link.

(2) Type in the title box Liaisons and click SEARCH.

(3) Click Buy!

Return to log in and add your Instant Access code Book key.
Also add your professor’s Course Code:___________________________________________

To Learn more about your iLrn account and materials, go to

http://ilrn.heinle.com and click the Training & Support link.

For Technical Support call or email: (877) 282-4400

bookhelp@quia.com (check spam if no response is received in 24 hours)


Open Educational Practices are teaching techniques that draw upon open technologies and high-quality Open Educational Resources (OER) in order to facilitate collaborative and flexible learning.


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